ICES Marine Data
Stock Assessment Graphs

The Standard graphs web services provide the ability to search and retrieve data from database by providing access to the data.

Each part of the web services is provided by a web service API, which defines the name, input to, and output from the service for a particular data request.

This page lists all the Standard graphs Web Service APIs with a description that includes the information provided by the API, the input needed to get data from the API, and the data that is returned by the API.

DEPRECATED: ICES also provides a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document that fully describes the Standard graphs Web Service.
These webservices have now been replaced and will be phased out in the future.
Below, in the example sections, you can now find the links to the new web services.
R package interface to Stock Assessment Graphs database web services

If you use R you can install the R package that uses this web services to query standard graphs.
You can find the documentation about the R Package here .

The following web service APIs are provided: